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Strategies aimed at actively supporting the transformation of the logistics sector into Green Logistics, increasing the energy efficiency of buildings by using more and more eco-sustainable energies and optimising recycling processes.

Each operation is executed while aiming towards continuous improvement: logistics that is respectful of sustainability.

For this reason, Cecchi optimises its value chain, redesigning the entire supply chain and evaluating the impacts that processes have on the quality of life.

Logistics, Outsourcing & Transport

Certified according to the ISO9001 (2008) standard, Cecchi Logistica's objective is to plan, control and optimise each phase of the supply chain, offering a complete logistics service capable of managing the flow of goods from entry into the plant to delivery. .

It offers road transport at the national and European level, planning and managing both full and partial load deliveries.

Security & Safety

Supervision and analysis of business processes, identification of risks and subsequent implementation of corrective actions, staff trained and actively involved in optimising internal security, gearing towards industry 4.0 (technological innovation and digitalisation of processes) through internal and external assessments and monitoring  - to ensure the safety of personnel at work.

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